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Beware you can't for now install CF updates via the CF Admin after applying Jul 2023 JVM update

Be aware: if you update ColdFusion to run using the latest JVM updates (released July 18, 2023), you will encounter challenges, which have solutions as I describe here.

You will find that you can no longer INSTALL CF updates via the CF admin, if CF is using this new Java version. And even if the CF update is run from the command line, if using this newer Java version that also will fail. In either case, there is a new JVM argument that solved the problem, as I discuss below.

This is happening in CF2023, 2021, and 2018. (And this may continue to happen with future JVM updates, until Adobe otherwise addresses the problem.)

As an update, this issue was finally fixed with the Oct 2023 CF update, CF2021 u11 and CF2023 u5--as long as it was applied before applying any later ones, it seems. Still, some may want to read on for context, or read a subsequent post I did on this matter in October 2023, and another in my discussion of the Nov 2023 cf update.

As an another update, when I first created this post originally on July 21st, another problem was that you would find that you could no longer use the CF Administrator to download CF updates, if CF was running this new Java version. You would get an error reporting, "Failed Signature verification"--or in some cases you may see only "error failed". But within a couple of weeks, I found that the CF Admin COULD now download updates (including the August 2023 CF update) but the CF update STILL fails to install correctly, as discussed in this post, unless the workaround offered is used.

FWIW, Adobe has also updated the technotes for CF2021 update 10 and CF2023 update 4 with a text box at the top that acknowledges this issue and points to this post for more detail.

In this post, I explain a) what this is all about, then b) how you can fix the problem of INSTALLING the update using the CF Admin, I'll explain how it seems we HAVE to workaround that problem (for now). I also offer a link to a bug report I've filed. I even offer a thought on how this new JVM update may prove over time to affect MORE than just this, and even MORE than just CF (and Lucee) but many java apps. Read on for more.

TLDR: For now, to perform any CF updates (once CF is set to use this JVM updated in July), you will need run the CF update install from the command line, AND you will need to add this argument (before the -jar arg) when doing that:

For those unfamiliar with doing a command line install of CF updates, I discuss that below (including the need to run that "as admin" on Windows).

Or as a workaround, you could change CF to use a JVM prior to July 2023 (to the install within the CF Admin_, or you could use such a prior jvm to run the command-line installer without need of this new arg. Complicated, yes. Solvable, though, yes.

Many people will need more detail, and they can read on, for these topics:

And if I learn of new information on this issue, I'll update this post.


And indeed, I have now updated the post.
  • Again, with regard to the August 2023 CF update, I can confirm that while having CF set to use this new Java update, the CF Admin WAS able to download that update, even WITHOUT the new JVM arg. And that's nice, but sadly the INSTALL of that update fails (if CF is set to use that new JVM update), so the rest of this post still applies--and the JVM arg needs to be used to run the CF update install from the command line, if using this new Java version
  • On 7/27, I created the new TOC at the top, and made some modest wording changes. I also added the new section on considering whether to leave in that disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation rather than not go to the update.


As some will know (and I blogged about earlier this week), there is a new Oracle Java (JVM/JDK/JRE) update, and CF shops running CF2021 or 2018 could consider moving to the new Java 11.0.20, while CF2023 shops could consider going to the new Java 17.0.8. And normally Adobe would encourage us to update to that: in fact the Adobe Security Bulletins for CF updates (3 in the last week) also indicate we should do that.

But then people started reporting (and I confirmed) the problems above, first with downloading then with installing the CF update, once CF was updated to use this new JVM. I hadn't noticed anything in the July 2023 JVM update technotes that should have led to any such problem, but when people reported it, I started digging in...

And I found the issue and a "solution". (And the problem isn't about the latest CF updates, per se. I found the problem would happen even with older CF updates.) And the rest of this post explains what I found and what you can do.

How the CF logs offer a clue

(Again, when I first wrote this post it was mid-July, when the problem was BOTH being unable to download AND install CF updates. I leave this detail for the record, though again downloads now do work as of mid-August.)

When attempting to download the CF updates (in mid July), the "Failed Signature verification" error was shown in the UI, and I also found it was written to the CF logs in the update.log Here's an example of the line for the CF2021 update 9 from that week in mid-July:

Error While Downloading File From https://cfdownload.adobe.com/pub/adobe/coldfusion/2021/updates/hotfix-005-330109.jar at D:\ColdFusion2021\bundles\updateinstallers - Failed Signature verification"

But when I looked at the coldusion-out.log, I found this line coinciding with the above:

Error [cfthread-0] - Invalid CEN header (invalid zip64 extra data field size)

That might seem unrelated: the downloaded CF update files are jar files, not zips. But technically, a jar IS a zip (just packaged a certain way).

Anyway, as for solving this problem, I did remember seeing something about "zip64" in the update technotes, so I went back to those.

How the JVM updates starting in July 2023 add a new zip validation feature, and a way to disable it

Sure enough, among several things discussed in the technotes for the July 2023 JVM update is this:

Improved ZIP64 Extra Field Validation (JDK-8302483 (not public))

java.util.zip.ZipFile has been updated to provide additional validation of ZIP64 extra fields when opening a ZIP file. This validation may be disabled by setting the system property jdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation to true.

So that's the problem. What's the solution? For downloading and then installing CF updates, once that new JVM is used?

Solving DOWNLOAD of CF updates, after this JVM is implemented

Update: now that the problem of DOWNLOADING CF updates from the CF Admin (after this JVM is implemented) has been resolved by Adobe, I will strike out this section. The rest of what I say below it applies. And I leave this, rather than delete it, as it provides context for some of what I saw elsewhere in this post.

Most readers can skip to the next section on Solving INSTALL of CF updates, after this JVM is implemented.

How can you get CF updates in the CF Admin, if you move to this new JVM? I offer a couple of solutions, to suit different needs/interests.

Option 1 (to download): Add the new JVM arg (to disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation) to CF's startup args to allow download in CF Admin

So given what I found in that previous section here, we can add that new system property as a JVM arg for CF's startup (which one can do in the CF Admin "Java and JVM" page or the jvm.config file, as found in the cfusion/bin or [instance]/bin folder). The actual arg to add would be:


And of course, one should backup that jvm.config file before making this change, whether changing the setting in the file or in the CF Admin. If you make any mistake, CF may not restart the next time anyone tries to do that.

Also, beware when adding it that this should be added to the end of the list of current JVM args, not as a new line. You can do it in the CF Admin and the Java & JVM page, and its "java args" field, or in that underlying jvm.config file and ITS java.args line.

After a CF restart, having this setting in place now DID allow the download of CF updates from within the Admin to proceed. (Again, this is only an issue if you update CF to use the JVM as updated in July 2023 and beyond.)

Sadly, it did NOT allow use of the CF Admin to INSTALL the update, as I will explain in a moment. (And as I explain toward the end of this post, there's an argument for us LEAVING this argument in--as there may be other CF features that could be impacted by this JVM change, and using this arg would negate that change for better or worse.)

Option 2 (to download): download/install the CF updates manually

I should note as well that one does not HAVE to use the CF Admin to download CF updates.

The CF update technotes always offer a section on manually obtaining and installing the update, which is needed especially when folks are running their CF servers on machines that have no internet access. So sure, you could just download the update via that link offered in the technote.

BTW, note that sometimes Adobe offers a link to a jar (the same one that the CF Admin downloads), and sometimes they offer a link to a zip. Again, see the discussion in the CF update technote for how to USE that downloaded file (and I will address it in a moment here.)

Solving INSTALL of CF updates, after this JVM is implemented

With the problem of DOWNLOADING CF updates in the CF Admin resolved, the next challenge is INSTALLING CF updates--whether via the CF Admin OR via the command line, which will ALSO fail to work if this new JVM update is used. Let me explain what I found, and again different solutions, to suit different people.

How INSTALLING CF updates from the CF Admin will fail

Once people changed CF to use this new JVM (from July), they found that in using the CF Admin to perform CF updates, they would fail. On clicking that install button for the update, they'd get the popup message that it's proceeding....but it never does do the update. There's no folder created for that update in the hf-updates folder of the CF instance, and therefore no logging about the update.

And for those who know that this Install button kicks off a java process in the background (running as the user that CF is configured to run as), you will NOT see such a java process start. It's like "nothing happens".

Here again, in digging through all the CF logs, I found that there IS a log entry reflecting this attempted install. In the coldfusion-out.log and application.log files, we will see a line like the following coinciding with this attempt to run the update installer:

Install Error - Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to open file D:\ColdFusion2021\bundles\updateinstallers\hotfix-009-330148.jar

Again, I see this with CF2023 or CF2018, as well as with CF2021, if they have been updated to use the JVM version from July 2023.

Sadly, there was no further info than that one line, which didn't help much.

(BTW, this in ability to install updates from the CF Admin happens not ONLY with the NEW CF updates but also with any PREVIOUS CF updates you may have downloaded but not yet applied.)

Adding the new jvm arg to CF's startup args has no effect on this install failure

Before I go further, let me note here that adding the new JVM arg (-Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true) to CF will NOT help with the failing CF update install from within the CF Admin.

When the CF Admin "install" button kicks off the java process to do the update for us, it's not using the JVM args within CF. And it's NOT (yet) itself using this particular JVM arg. I hope that may change. See more about the tracker ticket I created, below.

Finally, while it was tempting to consider other options offered the JVM update technotes (like jdk.jar.maxSignatureFileSize and jdk.nio.zipfs.allowDotZipEntry), I confirmed that neither helped.

So what are people to do, to get these CF updates installed, if they do update their JVM (as the Adobe APSB suggests we should)? Fortunately, there are at least a couple of options....

Option 1 (to install): Do a manual install of the CF update, adding the disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation arg if using the new JVM update

I have confirmed that in doing a command line install of the CF update, the update WILL work--if I add that new arg. Here would be an example of doing that, for CF2021 update 9 (Windows users should be sure to use "run as admin" in opening the command line). This should be regarded as being a single line:

java -Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true -jar C:\ColdFusion2021\bundles\updateinstallers\hotfix-009-330148.jar

Note that using "java" as a command won't run unless you have implemented Java as a JRE, or have first done a "change directory" into the JVM's bin folder (or have otherwise put that folder on the "path" for your OS). This post is not the right place to elaborate further on that. (I can assist directly via my remote consulting services.)

Of course, you could (and may need to) be more specific about where to find both the Java and the CF update jar file, such as this example for CF2021 on Windows, assuming the 11.0.20 JVM update was installed by the JDK installer, and assuming the CF9 update was downloaded via the CF Admin (as discussed above), which puts it in CF's bundles/updateinstallers folder. (Again this should be regarded as being a single line:

"C:\Program Files\java\jdk-11\bin\java" -Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true -jar C:\ColdFusion2021\bundles\updateinstallers\hotfix-009-330148.jar

(If you may never have yet run a manual CF update using the jar this way, the UI or CLI presents a series of a couple of screens walking one through the CF update process.)

I will also note that I tried the above command line against even the previous CF update jar files: they ALL reported this error, so the problem (that makes this new JVM balk at the CF update jar files) is NOT something NEW with the recent CF updates.

Option 2 (to install): Do a manual install of the CF update, using an (even only slightly) older JVM update

Recall that this entire problem only arises once you install a new JVM update after July 2023. If somehow you're still running an older JVM version, you could use THAT instead (in the steps from the previous section).

Finally, you could even run the commandline install using the java that's implemented within the original JRE that CF comes with, which you'll find in the /coldfusion2021/jre/bin folder (if using cf2021, I mean). Use the CF2023 jre/bin folder if using CF2023, of course.

(Someone else may even want to point out that, "the Adobe update technotes or APSB even TELL you that when doing a manual update you SHOULD use the JVM that CF came with". While that's so, there are mixed messages about that in different places. The main point being stressed in that sort of discussions is that you should NOT use a major Java version that is not SUPPORTED by your CF version, such as trying to use Java 17 with CF2021 or 2018, or even Java 11 with CF2023.)

Option 3 (to install): change CF to use an (even only slightly) older JVM update

Another alternative (to get the CF Admin install of a CF update to work) would be to just change CF back to using a JVM that is NOT the one updated in July 2023, and that is true. As above, you could point CF back to the jvm in the /coldfusion2021/jre/bin folder (if using cf2021, I mean).

Someone may also want to point out that one could change CF back to using an older JVM JUST for doing this CF update, which may seem a bit tedious but is an option.

(Before leaving this subject of INSTALLING CF updates, some good news is that I did test running the CF Admin update "uninstall" feature while CF was running with this updated JVM. Fortunately, that uninstall process worked. It, too, kicks off a java process, running against a jar--but it's the uninstaller.jar that's buried within the hf-updates folder for whatever CF update you are uninstalling. Somehow, that jar doesn't have the problem that these installer jars do. That may be a useful clue for Adobe.)

Hoping that Adobe might solve this, and a bug report to vote/comment on

There's still one more "option" we can hope for: that Adobe will do something to resolve this. I'm sharing this to get the explanation and workarounds out, but really I hope Adobe might somehow just make the problem go away. I can see 2 possibilities:

  • Perhaps they can fix whatever it is about the update jars (old and new) that keeps them from working with this newer JVM, unless that new arg is used
  • As for the CF admin update installer, perhaps they could modify the java process it launches to add this JVM arg
  • Finally, perhaps they need to do some serious vetting of all of CF to make sure everything works still with this new protection. Maybe they can somehow confirm what things WOULD trip over this Zip64ExtraFieldValidation, and whether we should leave in the setting (see the next section here)

As I said at the opening, I've filed a bug report. If you want to add a vote and/or follow along there, it's at CF-4218719.

Should you consider leaving that disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation in CF, rather than not update the jvm?

Update: I've added this section since the original post

So clearly, there's at LEAST the problem of the CF update installer failing to work with this new JVM, unless that new disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation JVM arg is used. Clearly this new "protection" can have an impact on some java processing, and who knows what other CF features might suffer for this new "protection".

Should we perhaps be considering leaving that disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation in the startup args for CF, for benefits beyond this one known problem?

Some may even naturally ask: "perhaps we should just NOT MOVE to this latest JVM update". That would be a "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" situation: there are OTHER protections added by this JVM update. Worse, what about when the NEXT JVM update comes out (in October: they're quarterly). Unless Oracle changes direction, this changed behavior/protection will still be there.

So another option is to consider leaving that disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation JVM arg in place in CF's startup args (or for other Java apps). At least that's better than NOT implementing the latest JVM update. (And once it's in place, it would remain in place as you may update the JVM, since it's a startup arg rather than a change in the java.security file, like some other recent "protections".)

Of course, a reasonable counterpoint would be, "Oracle added that new protection for a reason, so disabling it seems unwise". That's a fair point also.

My lament again is that the Oracle technote for the update again offers nothing more for us to know about what the protection really is for, so we can't know. And since the bug report for it is private, we can't see it, so I can't say WHAT to do. I'm just presenting this as an option to consider, for now.

How this problem might crop up in other ways, in CF, Lucee, or other Java

Before wrapping up, and expanding on that previous section, it makes me wonder: might similar problems crop up in even other Java software beyond ColdFusion....and I don't just mean Lucee. I mean all KINDS of Java-based software. Again, it's unclear what it is that makes things fail this "ExtraFieldValidation", and since the bug fix number indicated in the Oracle technote is indicated to be "not public", we can't find anything more about it. And trust me, I've looked for it, in various ways.

I will say finally that we may well hear more (outside of the CF community) in time: often the news spreads faster (and new installers are made available sooner) with the Oracle JVM than with OpenJDK variants of the JVM. As more folks move to using EITHER the Oracle JVM OR such openjdk variants implementing this new JVM, we may hear more people reporting and talking about problems like this one. (BTW, no, Adobe does not formally support using openJDK JVMs with CF. They formally support only the Oracle JVM/JDK.)

Update: And on that last point, as I expected, there has indeed a lot of other cases of people hitting or raising issues with this recent JVM change and considering that jvm arg as a solution:

So yeah, as I suspected, this issue is having wide-ranging impact beyond CF--and certainly could affect CF (and Lucee) BEYOND just this inability to install (and at first even download) CF updates. So I'm leaning toward "keep the arg in" until we hear otherwise. But that's not my formal recommendation of what YOU should do. I'm just a messenger. I'm not even committed to ensuring that I keep this updated with EVERY discovery that others may come out with as better solutions or info about this mess. But I certainly welcome comments and will update the post accordingly.


Hope all that's helpful. Looking forward to news as it may evolve, and I'll update this post with any major developments. Again, if you face challenges with all this and want direct assistance, I can offer that via my remote consulting services. But I'm happy to try to help everyone via comments here, of course.

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Glad I wasn't the only one seeing that "Failed Signature verification" error! Thanks for the write-up and the workarounds!
# Posted By Amelia | 7/21/23 9:32 AM
Wow, I'm glad I didn't upgrade the JVM to 11.0.20 yet. This is crazy.
# Posted By Dave Cordes | 7/21/23 10:33 AM
Yep, to you both. Odd, indeed. But it's not clear it's an "Adobe problem". It may be, but perhaps not.

Again, time will tell if even folks in other tech stacks start reporting such "odd errors", based on this jvm change. It's just so unfortunate that the Oracle bug report for it is not public, so we really don't know what it's about.

I hope that Adobe may be able to dig into it, perhaps even getting deeper support from them as a partner (they license Oracle Java for us CF users, and I suspect they pay a pretty penny for that--something that few folks would ever consider/appreciate.)
One additional issue I can report:

When running CF2018 with the 11.0.20 JVM, the CF Admin ran OK, however all my sites would display blank pages. I tried rebuilding connectors, etc.

I couldn't resolve this, so I used the CF Admin to revert the JVM to an earlier version. After l
restarted the service to apply the change, it would not take. Several attempts still left the JVM at 11.0.20.

I ended up having to manually edit the jvm.config for the change to work.
# Posted By Shaun Smalldridge | 7/22/23 1:11 AM
Charlie, thanks for pulling all of this together and sharing it.

I did find what I believe is a reference to the underlying problem this change addresses at https://bugzilla.red... indicating that "A specially crafted ZIP file could cause a Java application to enter an infinite loop when extracting data from such archive".

Reading between the lines, it seems like there is something about how Adobe's update JARs are created which falls afoul of this change. Hopefully, Adobe can get that sorted and get us moving forward on a path with current and future Java updates again.
# Posted By Ron Stewart | 7/22/23 7:45 AM
Shaun, two things. First, I've not heard of that being an issue for anyone else (upon updating cf2018 to Java 11.0.20). Instead, I wonder if your "blank pages" problem might have a different explanation. See my post here, https://www.carehart..., and let us know if that allows you to update to 11.0.20 without that issue.

Second, as for your "rebuilding" the web server connectors, if you may mean literally removing and re-adding them, there's an easier way--indeed an "easy button" for those who get that reference.:-) See my post at https://www.carehart... (That said, I'd not have thought doing that was necessary. None of the last 4 cf updates called for a connector upgrade. I discuss there how to know that.)

Let us know how things go.
Ron thanks. I'd seen that also. But that, too, was precious little to go on, which is why I'd not mentioned it. Still, perhaps it may serve as a clue for Adobe.
So, it turns out the "blank page" issue was due to a known issue with update 15 (rolled up in update 19):

Known issues in this release
If you encounter the following error message, clear the classes in <CF_HOME>/instance/wwwroot/WEB-INF/cfclasses.
"coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.XmlSearch(Lcoldfusion/xml/XmlNodeList;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; The specific sequence of files included or processed is: \\<ip>\<filepath>, line: 34 "
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.XmlSearch(Lcoldfusion/xml/XmlNodeList;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;

Thanks Charlie for the nudging me to review the logs (admittedly should have done so already). :-)
# Posted By Shaun Smalldridge | 7/24/23 11:02 AM
Great to hear. Interesting that would lead to blank pages. BTW, folks following along should note that issue can affect those on cf2021 update 5 as well. I've been meaning to do a post about that.
Thanks for letting the community know!
Do you know when Adobe will publish the Latest JDKs on the ColdFusion 3rd party download page?
# Posted By Chris Reese | 8/1/23 7:47 AM
Thanks for the kind regards, Chris. But no, I have no insight on when Adobe chooses to put the new versions on their site. I've reminded them directly of each of the last several updates.

We can't know if it's intentional or not that they're holding off on this one. Some may wonder if it's because of this issue that they've withheld posting this July update. But then doing that would fly in the face of their recommendation with the most recent (and all) cf security updates to "be on the latest update of the jvm supported by your cf version".

It's been quite a mess, this last month. I've hoped we'd get more clarity from them on their blog or forum, but sadly crickets since the release of the updates.

And some will notice they never seem to reply here. I've heard it's that they are not to discuss security matters informally. OK, but then give us more formally. Right now, we're left to make do otherwise.
As an update to my post here, a couple weeks on, I HAVE indeed now found MANY other tools and software OTHER than CF which are hitting problems where this jvm arg is being offered as "the answer". What's not clear, from those I've read so far, is again what it's really about, what all CAN be negatively affected by NOT adding that jvm arg, or what might be negatively affected by ADDING it (removing whatever "protection" it offers).

As I foresaw, this is a mess that Oracle has created. We now need to wait to see how it sorts out, and if indeed Adobe can or will do anything related to it (regarding updates or anything else that the Oracle change may impact).
I forgot to mention that I have added a new "update" within the last section before the conclusion, where I have listed a few of these other places/tools/projects that are tripping over this issue and offering that jvm arg as "the solution" for now.
Looks like Adobe has added 11.0.20 to their third-party installers page. No caveats mentioned however:

# Posted By brimard | 8/15/23 8:51 AM
Yep they had added it late last week. I'd forgotten to update this post. I'll do it now. And yep, sadly no warnings there, and no replies from them here or at the tracker ticket I'd opened. :-(
Hi Charlie,

The failed signature error when applying the update through the Admin console should be resolved with the latest updates that were released on August 17. If the issue still persists, let me know

# Posted By Vamsee | 8/18/23 1:03 AM
Vamsee, thanks. And good news/bad news on this issue.

First, perhaps you missed it but note that I had in fact updated this post already today to share that the download of cf updates from the cf admin does indeed now work, when using the new jvm--and without need of that new jvm arg. Again, thanks.

But the very bad news is that INSTALLING the cf update still does FAIL, again if one uses the new jvm. And the only way to fix it seems to be to run the install from the command line, with that new jvm arg, as discussed above (or switch to a JVM update from before July's).

So yes, it's great if you did something to fix the download. But now you really must fix whatever makes the install fail, first from the cf admin (as most will use that), then from the command line for those who prefer that (and without need of them to know to use that new jvm arg).

Otherwise I fear that there will be MANY MANY people experiencing failed updates, which will lead to very high frustration in the community and among your customers.

BTW, I also pointed out this ongoing issue on my blog entry that I posted earlier tonight on the new cf update:

I hope you'll please reply here, there, and to the tracker ticket I'd opened about this in July, listed above. People WILL REALLY appreciate hearing that Adobe is giving attention to this matter. I certainly do.

If I'm reading this correctly there are issues manually (via command line) installing the August 17th CF2021/2023 updates if you are using Java 11.0.20 (released in July). Can you clarify why you would be using the 11.0.20 version of Java in the command line path rather than the one in the documentation: <cf_root>\jre\bin\java.exe -jar

I assume the Java version in the above path would not have issues?
# Posted By Jarod | 8/21/23 12:23 PM
Jarod, that's indeed the first sentence in my "Option 2 (to install)", above. And I also discuss in that same section how one COULD indeed use the JVM that came with CF.

As for your asking why anyone would be using a newer JVM from the command line, well first let's agree that Adobe tells people in each security update and security bulletin that they SHOULD update CF to use the latest JVM update (for the version of Java supported by that CF version).

And when folks run the CF update via java from the command line, they often don't think to use the JVM within CF's JRE folder. But they could, sure. And some docs even suggest they should--which is more about making sure they don't use a Java installer whose MAJOR version is older or newer than what that CF version supports at all. Again, see more in that section I point to above.

First, if they have updated the JVM that CF is configured to point to (in the CF admin "java and jvm" page, which sets the java.home in CFs' jvm.config and vice-versa), they will often choose to (or assume they should) use THAT JVM (at the command line). And that would be ok, normally.

Second (and perhaps as often), if they update that JVM using the JDK or a JRE INSTALLER (vs the zip), that will also change what is the "public jre"--what they see if they use "java -version" at the command line. And THAT could be this updated version, of course, which is why I have related the details in the post above.

But a different/related problem sometimes is that they may run, for example, the JDK or JRE installer for Java 17 for some other purpose on their machine, and not realize that that would NOT be the right java version at ALL for CF2021, which again does not currently support Java 17. (This is a separate issue from my last paragraph.)

Again I'd argue this last point is the main reason that some Adobe resources suggest you point to the JVM within the CF JRE folder, as at least that's sure you be the right MAJOR version (like a version of Java 11 for CF2021), even if not anywhere near the latest MINOR version (CF2021's first installer came with 11.0.1--a mistake, I would argue, which is now 5 years old--and put THAT in the CF2021 JRE folder).

My point in this post is simply to point out the conflict between the July 2023 Java updates and using that to install CF updates--whether in the CF Admin or at the command line. And then I offer alternatives and/or workarounds. Folks are free to choose.

Some might wish I offered just the "tell me what to do" answer, but clearly that's not how I roll. I realize that there can be different factors influencing how people have things setup. I instead prefer to give the details people need to try to make the right decision for themselves.

And to be clear, I can imagine scenarios where "just using the JRE in CF" to do a manual install MAY not be the "right" solution, such as when there's that large disparity I just discussed, if CF2021's JRE is that very old Java 11.0.1. There may come a time when using THAT to do a CF update may fail for a different reason. There are CERTAINLY reasons that keeping CF2021 itself USING that old JVM can be a problem.

If this stuff was easy, I'd not need to be writing about it. :-)
Thank you for the info as always. I'm running CF 2023 in my dev environment and Update 6 would download through the Admin interface but not install. It was your option 2 that worked for me. I simply opened a command prompt, navigated to C\ColdFusion2023\jre\bin (to use the built-in CF JRE) and ran

java -Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true -jar C:\ColdFusion2023\bundles\updateinstallers\hotfix-006-330617.jar

That kicked off the installer which ran successfully.

Thanks again for this and your other detailed write-ups. Always very helpful.

# Posted By Steve | 11/15/23 9:02 AM
Hey Charlie,

Great work as always! I want to piggy back on the last comment from Steve. ColdFusion 2021 update 12 was having issues installing for me. It would succeed with a bunch of fatal errors related to file copy failures. I know you have another post about that, and I always usd the manual method for updating CF with litle to no issues. nyway, I tried the install with the extra java argument and it worked, so this still seems to be an issue with CF and java(version 11.0.21).
# Posted By Tony B | 11/17/23 7:53 AM
Steve and Tony, thanks for the kind regards and glad to have helped. FWIW, I had in fact covered this continued need to deal with this, both in a reprisal of this July post in October:


And then about the cf update earlier this week :


Interested folks may want to consider that info. But glad you've each sorted things out.
I have a newly installed instance of ColdFusion 2023. I have been trying to patch it with the Update 7 with no luck. I am running the command java -Djdk.util.zip.disableZip64ExtraFieldValidation=true -jar C:\ColdFusion2021\bundles\updateinstallers\hotfix-009-330148.jar
This does start the install, and it completes successfully, but with errors. There are 70 fatal errors, all similar to this: Failed to copy hotfix files:C:\Users\lmarsh_adm\189700.tmp\dist\cfusion\..\config\cfsetup\cfsetup.bat: Failed to copy the hotfix files to the target location. Retry installation after ensuring that the server is not running or files are not locked by the server.
I have stopped all CF services in the task manager. Not sure what to do at this point?
# Posted By Lee | 3/25/24 1:51 PM
Never mind the above post. It occurred to me I should have been running the command window as an administrator (something that maybe you should mention in your article). When I re-ran the install from an administrator command window, it worked.
# Posted By Lee | 3/25/24 2:21 PM
Lee, thanks for the update and the attempt to help readers. FWIW, my discussion of using the jvm arg ("Option 1", above) DOES indeed indicate "Windows users should be sure to use "run as admin" in opening the command line)."

But I suspect you may have seen the FIRST mention of the JVM arg near the top, and so perhaps never read the rest. I understand that. There's always a balancing act between offering a TLDR; portion at the top and the detail to follow.

So in response, and to help future readers, I have added a new link to where I'd said "I discuss that below", after showing the jvm arg the first time, and it jumps you to the "option 1" discussion.

Finally, while I had done a more updated post 3 months later, I didn't update this post to point to it--even though I mentioned it in the comments here at the time. So I have just tweaked the top of the post here to point people to that, which should reduce even further the chances of folks tripping over what we're discussing. :-)

I'm always open to feedback, so again thanks.
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